Strategies and Instruments of Planning

The planning framework that supports the programming periods associated with the implementation of Community funds (FEEI – European Structural and Investment Funds) is based on a set of strategic proposals for the development of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. These instruments are developed in conjunction with regional sectorial services, local authorities, actors in the scientific, economic and social system of the sub-region and are aligned with specific national and European guidelines for each cycle.

Lisbon Regional Strategy 2030
As a result of the work conducted by CCDR LVT and the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (AML), the document intends to affirm a vision for the development of this territory that is increasingly assumed as a metropolis that is intended to be more cohesive, sustainable and competitive.

Regional Strategy for Smart Specialization-RIS 3 Lisbon
Focused on the innovation ecosystem, it provides a frame of reference for economic transformation and setting investment priorities for the next decade.

Lisbon Regional Operational Program
Support instrument for the operationalization of development strategies for the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, which mobilizes the financial resources available to leverage the investment of public and private agents

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