On June 7, in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, the public session of Foodlink – Network for Food Transition in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area took place, promoted by CCDR LVT, AML and ICS-ULisboa and which already has 30 participating entities.
The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Territorial Cohesion, Ana Abrunhosa, the President of the Coordination and Regional Development Commission (CCDR LVT), Teresa Almeida, the President of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, Carla Tavares, among other guests and speakers, and ended with the signature of the Letter of Principles and Commitments by the entities adhering to the Network.
Video of the session and some news published in the meantime about Foodlink:
- Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJG2hew95GA
- https://smart-cities.pt/noticias/foodlink-transicao-alimentar-0906-area-metropolitana-lisboa-ccdr-ics/
- https://eco.sapo.pt/2022/06/03/aml-lanca-rede-para-a-transicao-alimentar-de-olhos-postos-na-sustentabilidade//
- https://www.publico.pt/2009278
- https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/pais/2012427/lisboa-cria-rede-para-assegurar-alimentacao-mais-saudavel-e-sustentavel/
- https://www.facebook.com/100069358713236/posts/321494620172493/?sfnsn=mo